Adding Reflection Layer
1. Click on the “+” next to Chair_red under Scene Materials to pull out all the layers. Right click on Reflection Layer. Select “Add new layer “to add a new reflection layer for this material. There will show Reflection under the material control section, as it shows on the right.2. To remove a new added layer, right click on the layer you wish to remove then select remove.
3. By Default the reflection layer has a fresnel map which varies the amount of reflection based on the viewing angle. If that map is removed then the reflection is constant over the whole material. Sincem the reflection color is set to white this leads to complete reflection on the whole material. This is a good setting for chrome or a mirror, but not most materials.
4. Now we will go through the specifics of the fresnel map. Click on Reflection on the right section, and then click on the m box to set reflection.
5. If it is not already enabled scroll down the box next to Type, and then select Fresnel. Fresnel IOR
is to control the reflection intensity. Keep the default value of 1.55, then click Apply.
6. Click on the Material Preview again. The Material now has reflection quality with the same color on it.
7. Notice the “m” on the right side of the Reflection is now changed to “M”. That means
the Map has some other characters associated with it now. Please use the same method and apply Fresnel to other colors and render it.
8. Below image rendered with Fresnel IOR set to 2.5, it has more reflection and looks more like a metal texture now. The chair has some black reflection due to the default setting of the background color is black. Under V-Ray Environment , change the color under Background to white and see what will you get.