01. Open file Chairs-GI.skp. Select ground the objects. Click in "Material Editor" over the V-Ray toolbar, right click in "Scene Materials" then select "Add Material" and click "AddVRayMtl. Material Editor will show a new material named "DefaultMaterial" under Scene Material.
02. Rename this new material as Ground. Right click over Ground material and choose "apply material objects".
The file sets V-Ray Options to GI and has GI environment light and background color. Hidden Lights and Default Lights are closed. Other options remain default.
03. Select Diffuse to enter color selections .V-Ray's default color is R-128, G128, B128. Change the color to light gray as: R230, G230, B230 then exit
04. Right click on Ground material. Select Duplicate and rename as Chair-Orange.
05. Left click on the empty spot to deselect the objects. Go to Top view and select these chair from top left to bottom right. Then go back to Material Editor and right click on Chair-Orange and select Apply material to objects
V-Ray automati cally updates the ch ange s of mate ri als to th e objec ts . It is not necessary to apply the material again
06. Click on Diffuse and change the color to R248, G134, B0 (orange) and exit.
07. Render and see if you get the same result like the image on the right.
08. Duplicate the Chair-Orange material and rename it as Chair-Green. Repeat 06 and set the value to R127, G255, B178 and exit.
09. Apply this Chair-Green material to the bottom right cup.
10. Duplicate the Chair-Green and rename it as Chair- Red . Repeat 06 again and set the value to R244, G40, and B11 this time.
11. Select the chair on top and apply the Chair-Red material to it.
12. Render and see if you can get the same result as the image below.